Summer Forecast

Unlock Airbnb data for smarter property management and investment

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What makes us different
Accuracy first
Our customers make million-dollar decisions based on data, so accuracy and institutional-quality are our top priorities.
Insights, not just data
Get the most important details, generate proformas for up to 10 years, and easily create branded term sheets for your team.
Forget restrictions
We don't restrict data by market or usage. You have unrestricted, always-on access to all the data however you choose to use it.
Start your workflow how you want
With an address, Zillow or Airbnb link, or coordinates, we’ll locate the property and provide the data.
Eliminate the distractions
We focus on what matters to you, like separating cleaning fees from accommodation costs and offering tools to quickly evaluate investments.
Customize and prioritize
Our tool is fully customizable to fit your unique portfolio: build comp sets, define markets, create graphs, and add notes.
How to get started
If you’re on an annual contract
Send us your contract, and we'll price match and let you use our tool for free until your contract ends.
If you’re not using Airbnb data
Try us out! Sign up for the beta and enjoy free access for a limited time.
If you are not a power user
Sign up for the waitlist and share your needs. We're continually developing tools tailored for hosts and investors.
Set up your free trial
Airbnb data accuracy
Our priority is data accuracy, that’s it. We’ll empower your team with deep customization, the ability to save and review comps, and more!

Escape data overload. You don’t need a data science degree to get a lot out of our product. Get access to accommodation fare data excluding cleaning fees to understand what a property can generate in direct revenue.
How property managers use Forecast Airbnb data
Understand how your markets and properties are performing month-to-month
Research potential properties and analyze new markets
Show owners comparable nearby properties and update them on market expectations
Generate sales collateral, proformas, and revenue projections
How investors use Forecast Airbnb data
Select markets for high-yield alerts and analyze homes for cash flow potential
Understand how your investments are performing and generate custom reports
Analyze comparable properties and nearby homes for standout amenities
Take notes on insights and trends for future investments
What questions you can answer using our Airbnb data
How much will this Airbnb property earn, and given our investment costs, will it be profitable?
What short-term rentals should I compare to, and how is my property performing relative to competitors?
What is the ADR that is highest performing in my market?
What is the booking and cleaning revenue by room?
Why is my property not on track for this month?
“We needed the best assets for short-term rentals but found no tools that worked. If we made investment decisions off of them, we’d end up losing our company. So, we built our own, Forecast, which helped us buy and manage millions in assets. We realized it was so effective that it could benefit others and grow the industry.”
Paul Kromidas
CEO & Founder, Summer
"I’ve consolidated everything from multiple spreadsheets and tools into one single screen, making my work faster, more accurate, and more efficient. Not only can I do what I used to do in minutes, but now I have the superpowers to generate new valuable insights, customize maps and graphs, and create reports that were impossible before."
Pedro F. Zevallos
Head of Acquisitions, Summer
“I was spending hours every week consolidating data from different sources to run my business. Now that Summer handles all the integrations, they use my data to help me retain my customers and grow my portfolio.”
Humberto Marquez
Realtor, Surge Property Management
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Got questions? We've got answers.

What is Summer Forecast, and how can it help my business?

Summer Forecast is an institutional-grade platform offering Airbnb data and forecasting tools built for property managers by property managers. It helps you make smarter investment decisions by providing accurate revenue estimates, market trends, and performance comparisons across properties—all in one place.

How can I use Summer Forecast for property management?

With Summer Forecast, you can streamline and enhance your property management in several ways:

  • Evaluate potential new properties: Analyze key metrics like revenue potential, occupancy rates, and market trends to make data-driven investment decisions.
  • Develop revenue projections: Create accurate, detailed revenue forecasts for both new and existing properties based on recent data and comparable listings.
  • Track performance month-to-month: Monitor how your properties are performing over time, comparing occupancy rates and revenue across months to optimize strategy.
  • Provide detailed reports for property owners: Generate custom reports that outline market expectations and performance, helping property owners understand their investment potential and stay informed.
  • Manage a growing portfolio: As your short-term rental (STR) portfolio expands, Summer Forecast scales with you, helping you manage multiple properties efficiently with consolidated data and insights.

How can Summer Forecast increase my Airbnb revenue?

Summer Forecast helps you maximize your Airbnb revenue by providing accurate data on revenue projections, occupancy rates, and market trends. By using detailed property comparisons and forecasting tools, you can make smarter decisions about pricing, upgrades, and market timing to increase profitability across your short-term rental portfolio.

Is there a free trial available for Summer Forecast?

Yes, we offer a 14-day free trial so you can experience the power of Summer Forecast firsthand. During this trial, you can test our data quality and see how our platform compares to your current tools.

What is the best Airbnb analytics site?

The best Airbnb analytics site is one that offers accurate, real-time data that's easy to use, and provides intuitive insights beyond just the numbers. Summer Forecast is the best choice for property managers and investors seeking institutional-quality Airbnb data. It was built by property managers and former Airbnb alumni who know the challenges today's property managers face. 

With Summer Forecast, you'll get comprehensive analytics, including revenue estimates, occupancy rates, market trends, and property comparisons, all within a customizable platform. Whether you’re evaluating new investments or managing an existing portfolio, Summer Forecast provides the actionable and intuitive insights you need to make informed decisions and maximize profitability.

What customization options are available with Summer Forecast?

Summer Forecast offers deep customization, allowing you to create and save your own comp sets, modify graphs and reports, add custom notes, and prioritize data that matters most to your specific portfolio. You'll have control over the insights you generate, and can easily share with your clients.

Is there a limit to the data I can access with Summer Forecast?

No, Summer Forecast provides always-on access to data. You can explore all available insights whenever you need them.

How does Summer Forecast ensure Airbnb data accuracy?

At Summer Forecast, we understand that our clients depend on precise data for making million-dollar decisions. That’s why we built the tool and use it for our own property management needs. Because we understand how important data quality is, we use the most reliable, up-to-date Airbnb data available from thousands of properties and millions of data points. Our platform compares your properties against similar listings in real time, delivering accurate estimates for revenue, occupancy rates, and market trends. By leveraging vast amounts of data, Summer Forecast provides actionable insights you can trust to support confident, data-driven decision-making.

Can Summer Forecast help me evaluate property upgrades or amenities?

Absolutely! With Summer Forecast, you can quickly calculate the revenue impact of specific property upgrades like adding a hot tub or expanding a bedroom. Our data-driven insights allow you to assess how different amenities affect revenue and occupancy so you can make the best investment decisions.

Can I compare multiple Airbnb properties with Summer Forecast?

Yes, Summer Forecast allows you to compare multiple properties side-by-side. You can easily evaluate how different properties perform in terms of revenue, occupancy rates, and amenities, helping you identify the best investment opportunities and optimize your current portfolio.

What type of Airbnb data does Summer Forecast provide?

Summer Forecast delivers a range of Airbnb data, including revenue estimates, occupancy rates, average daily rates (ADR), market trends, and detailed property comparisons. You’ll get all the insights you need to make informed decisions, whether you’re analyzing a single property or managing a large portfolio.

How can Summer Forecast help me forecast Airbnb market trends?

Summer Forecast uses millions of data points to help you predict market trends. With its forecasting tools, you can anticipate shifts in occupancy rates, pricing, and demand, allowing you to stay ahead of the competition and make strategic decisions for your short-term rental properties.

How does Summer Forecast support enterprise users?

Summer Forecast is built to handle the complexities of large-scale property management. It consolidates all the Airbnb data you need into a single platform, streamlines workflows with customizable reports and maps, and allows you to compare multiple properties or markets side-by-side, helping you make informed, data-driven decisions at scale.

How to analyze Airbnb data?

With Summer Forecast, analyzing Airbnb data is simple and effective. During your free trial, here's how you can get the most out of this powerful tool: 

  • Select a property or market: Choose the property or market you want to analyze, whether it’s a new investment or part of your existing portfolio.
  • Access critical metrics: Dive into essential data like revenue projections, occupancy rates, average daily rates (ADR), and market trends to understand performance.
  • Review comparable properties: Compare your property to similar listings to get a clearer picture of its standing in the market.
  • Generate custom reports: Create detailed, personalized reports with key insights, perfect for sharing with stakeholders or optimizing strategy.
  • Compare properties side-by-side: Evaluate multiple properties at once to spot performance differences and identify growth opportunities.
  • Identify portfolio optimization opportunities: Use data and forecasts to make informed decisions that enhance your property portfolio’s profitability.

With Summer Forecast, you can efficiently analyze Airbnb data and make data-driven decisions for your short-term rental properties.

How to get Airbnb data?

  • Select a property or market: Choose the property or market you want to analyze, whether it’s a new investment or part of your existing portfolio.
  • Access critical metrics: Dive into essential data like revenue projections, occupancy rates, average daily rates (ADR), and market trends to understand performance.
  • Review comparable properties: Compare your property to similar listings to get a clearer picture of its standing in the market.
  • Generate custom reports: Create detailed, personalized reports with key insights, perfect for sharing with stakeholders or optimizing strategy.
  • Compare properties side-by-side: Evaluate multiple properties at once to spot performance differences and identify growth opportunities.
  • Identify portfolio optimization opportunities: Use data and forecasts to make informed decisions that enhance your property portfolio’s profitability.